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English Learner Services - Title III

The purpose of this program is to ensure that all English learner students attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic achievement in English and meet the same challenging state academic standards as all other students. To support this goal, the United States Department of Education allocates Title III funds to state educational agencies, such as the California Department of Education, to provide subgrants to eligible local educational agencies based on the number of EL students enrolled.
Funds must be used for supplementary services as part of the language instruction program for EL students to support English language development instruction, enhance instruction in the core academic subjects and provide high-quality professional development for teachers and other staff. Title III-EL student program funds may also be used to upgrade program objectives and instructional strategies, identify and improve curricula, materials, and assessments, provide tutorials for academic and/or vocational education, intensify instruction, acquire or develop educational technology, coordinate language instruction programs with other programs and services, provide community participation programs and parent outreach.
Karina Garcia, ELD Coordinator
Karina Garcia
ELD Coordinator
(530) 824-7700 ext. 1235