- Parents/Students
- Academic Information
- Enrollment
- Digital Tools for Students and Families
- Parents Resources
- After School Program
- AERIES Parent Portal
- Communication Platform ParentSquare
- Bell Schedules and Academic Calendars
- Bus Schedules/Routes
- Dresscode
- Food Nutrition Services
- Online Forms and Documents
- School and District Transfer Process
- Tech Services
- District Plans, Funding, Budget
- WeTip Anonymous Reporting
- Affordable Connectivity Program
- Educational Rights of Immigrant Students
- Student Resources
New Students
We are currently welcoming new student enrollments for the current and 2024-25 school year.
PLEASE NOTE that if you are enrolling your new student to attend CUESD in the current school year and live within the CUESD boundaries, some of our elementary school sites may have reached capacities in certain grades, resulting in an enrollee being assigned to another school in our district as space permits.
If your child is administratively assigned to another school in the District, staff will keep your child on a wait-list and call you during the school year if space becomes available. Administratively placed students will be returned to their school of residence at the beginning of the new school year.
2025-26 Enrollment Timeline - Starts January 2025
2025-26 Enrollment Timeline - Starts January 2025![]()
2025-26 Enrollment Timeline - Starts January 2025
January 11, 2025
TK-Kindergarten Online Enrollment Opens: Streamline the enrollment process by completing enrollment online through the Aeries Enrollment Portal. Parents complete the enrollment process at the annual TK/Kinder Round Up Event.
January 11, 2025
New Family 1st-8th Grade Oline Enrollment Opens: 1st-8th grade students new to CUESD for the 2025-26 school year can enroll online. Document verification at respective school sites completes the enrollment process.
April 1 - April 30
Intradistrict Transfer Request Period: Parents who prefer to have their students attend a CUESD school outside of their CUESD residence school must complete an Intradistrict Transfer Request. If a student is currently attending a CUESD school on an Intradistrict Transfer Request and wants to attend another CUESD school, a new request form needs to be completed. All Transfer Request forms are processed through the CUESD District office (1005 Hoag Street).
Parents will be notified as soon as all enrollment priorities have been applied and final decisions have been made (typically at the end of May into June). Intradistrict Transfer Requests received after the April 30 date will be placed on a waiting list.
Interdistrict Transfers - April 1
Interdistrict Transfer Requests to attend CUESD Schools are reviewed and processed based on grade/class sizes after all other enrollment priorities have been made and applied. The District has until 14 days after the school year starts to decide on Interdistrict Transfer Requests for students wanting to attend CUESD schools.
PLEASE NOTE: Many of our elementary school sites do reach their capacities, resulting in late enrollees being assigned to other schools in our district as space permits. Therefore, please make every effort to complete your enrollment process early.
The following documents must be verified by your student's home school of residence secretary/attendance clerk prior to your student attending school. NOTE: students will not be considered enrolled until the verification process has been completed.
- Proof of Birth/Age
- Immunization record
- Proof of Residency
Use the following form if you are a caregiver or legal Guardian of a child living with you:
Use the following form if your family is living with or doubled up with another family:
Definition of Doubled Up: Temporarily staying with other people, often called “doubled up", because you cannot afford to live alone. This can include sharing another person’s house, such as a friend or relative because you lost your housing or don't have another safe place to go.
Other information on CUESD Homeless Programs here