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What Is a Community Day School?

What Is a Community Day School?

Community day schools are operated by school districts. Community day schools serve mandatory and other expelled students, students referred by a School Attendance Review Board, and other high-risk youths. The 360-minute minimum instructional day includes academic programs that provide challenging curriculum and individual attention to student learning modalities and abilities. Community day school programs also focus on the development of pro-social skills and student self-esteem and resiliency. Community day schools are intended to have low student-teacher ratios. Students benefit from learning support services that include school counselors and psychologists, academic and vocational counselors, and pupil discipline personnel. Students also receive collaborative services from county offices of education, law enforcement, probation, and human services agency personnel who work with at-risk youth.
CUESD's Community Day School is a Multi-Educational Complex consisting of:
  • Discovery Academy Grades K - 4th  
  • Columbia Academy Grades 5th - 8th
Corning Union Elementary's Community Day School (CDS) is a placement-based program that serves special at-risk students in Grades K - 8th who have not been successful in a comprehensive school setting nor benefited from on-site intervention programs. 
Instructional programs are designed to meet the needs of all students while maintaining high expectations and standards (academically, socially, and behaviorally).  CUESD is dedicated to ongoing improvement and takes pride in the achievement of our students.