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Below are Bids, RFP's. or RFQ's.  Please direct questions to the Business Services Department at (530)824-7700 ext 1258.

Current Bids

Current Bids

Olive View, Woodson, Rancho Tehama Fencing Project

Olive View, Woodson, Rancho Tehama Fencing Project

July 24: RFP Posted
July 24, 31: Advertised in the Red Bluff Daily News and trade journals
August 1: Mandatory Job Walk at 10am
August 6: Questions due to the district
August 8: Question responses due by the district
August 14: Due date for bids
August 21: Board Date to tentatively approve of chosen contractor
August 22: Notice of Award
Past Bids

Past Bids

Corning Union Elementary School District Fencing Project Job Bid

Corning Union Elementary School District Fencing Project Job Bid

August 16: RFP posted
August 16 and August 23: Advertised in trade journals and Corning Observer
August 24: Mandatory Job Walk at 10 am.
August 28: Questions due to the district
August 31: Question responses due by the district
September 6: Due Date 2 pm
September 13: Board Date Approval
September 14: Notification of Winner
West Street Tower Project Job Bid

West Street Tower Project Job Bid

July 5: Bid Document posted
July 5 and July 12: Advertise in trade journals and Corning Observer.
July 18: Mandatory Job Walk at 10 am.
July 21: Questions due to the district
July 24: Question responses due by the district
August 2: Due Date
August 9: Board Date Approval
August 10: Notification of Winner