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A Williams Complaint, another type of UCP complaint, regards instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils, and teacher vacancy or misassignment and may be filed anonymously. Local Educational Agency (LEA) shall have a complaint form available for these types of complaints (see buttons to the right) but will not reject a complaint if the form is not used as long as the complaint is submitted in writing.
The District's Williams Uniform Complaint procedures, shall be used to investigate and resolve any complaint related to the following:
  • Sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials
  • Emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health or safety of students or staff
  • Teacher vacancies and misassignments
  • Deficiency in the district's provision of instruction and/or services to any student who, by the completion of grade 12, has not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination.